Alex Norris Working Hard for Nottingham North and Kimberley
If you would like to contact me, please email or give my Nottingham North and Kimberley constituency office a ring on 0115 975 2377.
If you are a constituent from Nottingham North and Kimberley e-mailing me regarding a casework issue you are my priority, so please ensure your message includes:
- your full name
- your full postal address, including postcode
- a contact telephone number and
- any helpful details relevant to your case such as date of birth, reference numbers etc.
Strict parliamentary protocol means I can only deal with issues on behalf of my own constituents. If you aren’t sure whether or not you live in Nottingham North and Kimberley, you can check who your local MP is by entering your postcode online here:
You may also wish to write to me with your concerns. If so please send your correspondence to Alex Norris MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or to my constituency office at 15 Commercial Road, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8HD. All constituents who take the time and trouble to write a personal letter will receive a reply as a matter of priority.
Alternatively you can simply fill out the form below: